Enigmatic Barrow 14 gives up its secret! – Daily Dig Diary #18

Wayne was back on barrow-duty today while Ryan was on the Heath with our handling collection as part of the nationwide Festival of Archaeology.

The feature Ryan spoke about in yesterday’s diary has indeed turned out to be another burial urn! This will hopefully have been fully excavated by the end of the week.

Barrow 14 – the secret revealed!

Back on Barrow 19 the biggest burial pit in the UK is still going. We don’t think the team will reach the bottom on this dig, so it may have to be revisited in the future. The pot will be lifted, but we no longer think that this is a burial urn. We will see when it comes out of the ground.

George in the Big Pit

Anthony and his team have been working on the Mesolithic floor of Barrow 23, which is giving us huge quantities of flints. Our skilled volunteers have been painstakingly drawing these implements today, and the drawings will form part of the People of the Heath publication due to come out next year. Just look at the detail…

Anthony with a Mesolithic find

Some skilful flint drawing